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Make Behringer Universal Control Surface work with Fl studio


Updated: Jun 3, 2022

I FINALLY got the X-touch to work with Fl Studio.

Now, all the scribble strip screens light up and display the contents of each track the way that you named them on the DAW mixer. I can now press the free button and have all the faders and knobs globally linked to any parameter I choose. I can hold the window button down and scroll through all the plug-ins that are in the channel rack I have selected and modulate the parameters by moving the knobs and faders once that Vst plug-in is in view. The ones I have linked of course. So convenient! I can switch to pattern view, mixer view, and channel view, and browser view all on the Behringer now. There’s so much more but you’ll just have to dive in and check it out.


How did I get it to work?

There was absolutely nothing worth a crap online that I could find to make this Behringer Control Surface work with Fl Studio until I found this guy, Bram Debouvere, a programmer who writes code using Python. I found him on an Image-Line forum and followed him to his profile on I simply asked him if he could make some adjustments to the controller so it would work well with Fl Studio, and he did. It took him a really long time and a lot of hard work and research, but he got it working perfectly. All he asks is that you follow him on Spotify and listen to some of his tracks to help support him as a musician for all this free work he is doing for producers. I think that is very fair. So here are some of his songs on Spotify. He goes by the name of "Sir Freak"



The Instructions

To get it to work, you have to

1. Download the Zip file from his profile on and click the little green button that contains the code. Just click the picture and it will pull up another window tab, so you don't lose your place here.

2. Once you download the zip file, extract it and paste all the folders and files in the proper folder. The instructions on where to place the files are found on MIDI Scripting (Python) ( but I’ll post a picture here to give a little visual.

3. Once you have the files in the correct folder, you should be able to find the new controller type under option/midi settings/controller type

4. Click on X-touch in the input section then enable it by clicking on Enable. The little green circle will light up when you have done so. I also have the send to master sync enabled with the little orange button, but I was told that is not necessary since the x-touch is already sending messages back to the DAW. You may want to leave that off and see how that works for you.

5. I set the port on mine to 102, (top and bottom). You can set yours to whatever works best for you but may work better if you set it to 102. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know.

6. You don't have to do this step, but it really helps a lot. Just copy this image and stretch it out to 6.21875 inches wide, keeping the height and width detentions locked. You can cut it out and use it as an overlay on your X-touch controller, so you'll know what each button does. Courtesy of Dr.G who created this image. Link to this image: (1) Behringer X-Touch overlay for FL Studio | Forum (

7. You should be good to go. Have fun with your X-touch that now works with FL Studio. (DON’T FORGET to check out Bram Debouvere aka “Sir Freak” on Spotify)

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